viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016
Summer plans!
I remember when I was younger, and finishing the school year (on Dicember) I was so excited because I could play more, go out with my friends, do some sports and travel to the south, where my mom's family live; nowadays, my summer plans are to wake up late, watch TV until 2 or 3 am with my cellphone by my side and the notebook on the other side and wear pijama all day, with the difference that I have tests on January, so I'll be studying and studying the two fisrt weeks of the year, and actually, that sucks! Whatever, when university year finally finish, I pretend to do all that stuff, added to eat a lot of unhealthy food, yummy.
It's a little sad how my summer plans have changed over the years, but it's part of the consequences of grow up, because when I was a child my only concerns were to have good marks on school -much easier than university- and to be a good girl, I mean, to respond well my teachers and behave, and be the pride of the family, but now... now I have a lot to study, some delayed things (like this blog) and less sleeping hours, so in vacation all I want to do is sleep and rest, in my house, calmly and serenely.
Anyway, I would like to go out for fun too, so part of my plans for this lazy summer are to go dancing or some entertaining summer event, like the famous "Fonda Permanente" in Santiago, or "semana cabrerina" in Cabrero, the southern town where I go since I was a child. There's a lot of fun on summer too, so I'll have to divide my time and mood among diversion and rest.
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016
My future job
In PDI there's something called "LACRIM" (Laboratorio de Criminalística), where a pharmacist can contribute with its scientific knowledge for clarification of crimes, cooperate with court, public prosecutor's offices, Public Ministry and other institutions.
On the other hand, among the services provided by SML, there are clinical expert's report (examination, legal responsabilities in medical acts, etc), forensic identification and laboratory expert's reports, that includes biochemistry, blood alcohol test and toxicology, the area of my interest.
If none of this works, I could work on a drugstore or a hospital, maybe it isn't the dream job for a pharmacist but a good professional can adapt to anything and make a good job; if I were on a community pharmacy, I would try to give people the best attention and report them about all my knowledge of medicines, in a hospital I could do the same, and guarantee the proper treatmentt and manipulation of medicaments, always watching over the welfare of people, which is our main purpose.
Something of my interest
Something that has all my interest nowadays is the last Cirque du Soleil' show, called "Sép7imo Día"; besides the fact that any show from Cirque du Soleil must be wonderful, this performance is inspired on Soda Stereo's music, my favorite band, so I have to be there!
I was very excited when I knew about this, because it's the perfect chance to join my favorite music with art and circus' magic, and it's the perfect chance to enjoy, in some way, the live version of Soda's music too, keeping in mind that Gustavo Cerati (singer) died two years ago, on September 4, 2014.
For those who don't know Soda Stereo, it was an argentinian latin rock band, one of the most important in Latin America; it was created in 1982 by the trio made up of Gustavo Cerati (singer, guitars), Hector "Zeta" Bosio (bass) and Charly Alberti (drums). Soda had a lot of success and fame, they have seven studio albums, four live albums and two tribute albums, among other. They separated on 1997, after fifteen years of career, and they got together on 2007 to play all their musical hits in a tour called "Me verás volver". They did two concerts here, in Chile, but I was too young to know them and go to see them, so now that I'm old enough, I'll go anyway.
jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016
What I'm passionate about
I never think about things that make me happy or passionate me, but now that I have to do it, I think that one of the things I really love is come to university and study here. Maybe it isn't the funniest thing in the world, at least for me is really motivating to have new challenges every day and the pressure this causes in us. We suffer, we don't sleep enough, we should be always studying (less people do it, I try) and we don't have free time, but the important thing here is that we are working for something better, we'll be professionals, good professionals and that is the best reward we could receive. It's inevitable to be tired or sleepy the most part of the week, is the price of living far from university and have a looong schedule; I travel about two hours or even more every day and it's really exhausting, but I know that someday it will worth, I hope that. Finally, I can say that I made good friends here, and this is really important because all is better and funniest when you're not alone, this guys make me laugh a lot, they help me when something is difficult for me and they're always worry about me, we are a good group and I love them so much!
domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016
A city/country you would like to visit
Travel around the world is the most typical dream for everyone, and I'm not the exception. After traveling across Chile, from north to south, I think that a place I have to know is Greece. I have been seeing pictures of the wonderful landscapes of this country, and one of the places I liked the most was a little island called Mykonos. It is part of the Cyclades, lying between Tinos, Syros, Paros and Naxos, another greek islands. It's famous for the cosmopolitan atmosphere, its vibrant nightlife, its magnificent beaches and the architecture, a fantastic place to visit someday.
Besides going to this paradise, I would like to visit the historic places of Greece too. My next stopping place would be Athens, one of the world's oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3400 years. It was a centre for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato's Academy, Aristotle's Lyceum and birthplace of democracy, and home of two UNESCO world heritage cities: The Acropolis of Athens and the medieval Daphni Monaestery. In conclusion, a country full of historic and beautiful sites that everyone should visit.
martes, 30 de agosto de 2016
My blogging experience
Personally, it is hard for me to write about me, sometimes it isn't simple to find my likes and dislikes, however it was a good experience to write this blog because it made me think about things that we usually don't consider, like our favorites books or the microscopic world, and it allowed us know a little about our classmates too. Also, I think that this was an interesting way to learn english using technology and tools like this page where we could write our own blog, this things facilitate the learning.
My writing skills have developed a lot after this blog because when I didn't remember some word or expresion, I had to search them, and doing that made me learn the things I searched,
In the future I would like to include musical tastes maybe, I could write a lot about that and I think my classmates too, because we are listening to music practically all day, in our trips to university or our free time, and there are many different styles so it could be an interesting topic to write about.
jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016
From the invisible to the visible world and back
Nanotechnology is the area that studies matter in dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometers. On this measurements materials show other features and applications, in addition to which are known. In other words, nanotechnology means engineering of complex machines, materials and circuits built atom by atom or molecule by molecule.
The importance of pharmaceutical nanotechnology for therapies with drugs resides on the possibilities to deliver drugs of low molecular weight as well as macromolecules like peptides, proteins and genes, in a localized or guided manner to certain tissue of interest.
Lately, there have been investigations about controlled drug release's nanodevices, that can be used on therapies against breast cancer.
Until now, the work has focused in cellular essays with some positive results that could open new ways to improve the efficacy of some drugs used on this therapies.
The principal novelty of this nanodevices is that the molecule that covers it not only controls when the drug is released, it controls where is released too, directing the drug to some specific cells.
I chose this technique because breast cancer is the more lethal tumor among women worldwide, then, investigations aimed at identifying new therapies or improving which are known are a field of intense activity, and as a future pharmacist is part of our work to give wellness to people.
However, it is necessary the increase of the regulations in order to assure the safety of nanoparticles, it is considered that the toxicity, epidemiology and bioacumulation of fabricated nanomaterials are so far to be studied; in spite of this, the application of nanotechnology in healthcare and for development of personalized medicine appear to be hopeful.

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2016
The most enjoyable subject thus far...
I think the most enjoyable subject thus far for me is "the pharmacist action"; I like this subject because it bring us closer to our career and what we'll do as healthcare professionals.
In classes each one of us is part of a group, and each group have four activities during the semester. I started with "pharmaceutical terminology", where we learned about basic concepts used by professionals in this area. My second activity was to visit two places where the pharmacist works, we visited "El Carmen" hospital and Fresenius Kabi, a laboratory; in my opinion it was the most interesting activity because we saw professionals in action, with pros and cons, but after this I think I love my career, even more. The third activity was prepare a debate with issues related with pharmacy, obviously! My group debated about the pharmacist's responsability in medication errors, during the preparation we had to search a lot of information and I learned about chilean rules, things that I didn't know. Now we're in the last activity, where professionals of this university that work in dfferent areas talk to us about their experiences and the workplace for pharmacists.
In the teaching activities there are teachers and coordinators, because this is a new subject in the carreer as I know, and we are approximately 30 students in class, a good number of people for a good class.
sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016
Expert you admire
Nikola Tesla was an inventor, physicist and electrical, mechanical engineer who made a great contribution to the field of technology with his design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
He was born on July 10th, 1856 in Smiljan, modern-day Croatia, where he lived until 1884 when he emigrated to United States (where he died on 1943) to work for Thomas Edison. There were differences between Edison and Tesla; while the first was introducer and defender of the direct current (DC), and made a fortune with this idea, Tesla was convinced that the alternating current (AC) was a better solution, and his objective was get free, wireless energy for everyone. Actually, we still use AC in our time, 150 years later, because it imposed above direct current. In fact, what Tesla thought was better, but he needed Edison to implement his idea.
Edison denied his support, but asked Tesla if he could redesign and improve the inefficient DC generators of his company, offering him a big amount of money. Tesla did it, but Edison never paid; after that Tesla gave up and founded his own company in 1886: "Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing". He didn't convinced the investors so he started to work with George Westinghouse, at the same time he built his famous "Tesla coil".
domingo, 31 de julio de 2016
About books and films
One of the things I really enjoy is watch movies, horror movies specially, but lately I have seeing other kind of films, classics like "A Clockwork Orange" or "Modern Times" of Charles Chaplin.
"A Clockwork Orange" is an interesting movie in my opinion, it shows how violence alters behavior and feelings of Alex, the protagonist. He's unable of sizing the damage he makes, in one of his crimes he's caught and detained, and to obtain freedom faster he decides to take a new treatment, which will turn him into a harmless person, who can't be violent but can't defend himself too. Finally, it is assumed that Alex is cured; in this point, personally, I prefer the book's end because it shows to the reader not only Alex's end, if not his friends' end too.
Another book I really enjoyed was "Perfume: The Story of Murderer", which is about a young man, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who has a privileged smell, and from his birth it's surrounded by strange events, for example the fact of that each person who leaves behind dies, strangely. Thanks to his smell and ability, he achieved work with a perfumer, Giuseppe Baldini. He taught Jean-Baptiste technical methods to make perfumes, and the protagonist learns, but later he starts a macabre plan, becoming a murderer of women which fragances were irresistible for him. In my opinion, this is a fantastic story, and the movie is really similar to the book so I recommend both of them, the book first, obviously.
To end, the most recently book I read was "Misery" by Stephen King... it's the first book of him that I read, but I really want more, he can keep your attention through the whole story, he's really the master of horror!
martes, 24 de mayo de 2016
Your favourite piece of technology
Actually, I considerer I don't know much about technology artifacts, because everyday appear new pieces of technology! Anyway, I think my favourite piece of technology is my cellphone; my parents gifted to me my first cell when I was 10, in Christmas. Then, the cellphone was very modern, it could take pictures and had a color screen, and I was very happy! Now, I compare it with my actual phone and there are many differences! It's incredible how faster technology proceeds, my old cell had keys and my actual cell has a tocuh screen, in addition to a good camera, conncetion to wifi and a thousand apps I can download.
In my opinion, cellphones are a very useful tool, because it enables us to be connected with our friends and family all the time, for example, when I go out I can call my parents so they'll know I'm fine. Also, the searching of information or something than we need is really quick, and it's practically accessible to everyone. Personally, I use my cell the whole day, to see my marks and study material in Ucursos app, to check my e-mail or simply to have fun in my social networks.
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
Why did I choose my career?
When I was at school I really liked to read and write, so I thought of becoming a journalist. I love to read yet, but my enthusiasm about write columns and news was gone when I started high school; I chose the Sciences' subjects because I had good marks in Maths, but I developed a liking for the other subjects too, like Physics and Chemistry. I always took part of Science Fairs and I enjoyed it.
After that, when I came to the Preuniversitario, I prepared the Science's PSU, particularly Chemistry. I only was interested about Chemistry, but I never thought of studying a career directly related with it because two reasons; it was difficult for me, and what I really loved was Maths.
Finally, when I got into Bachillerato I had Biology and Chemistry labs, among other things, and I started to enjoy them. I had better marks too, which motivated me to study Pharmacy, my actual fantastic career!
Enter to University has been a nice experience, I have known nice people who I consider friends and I really like the environment.
Actually, I don't have a concrete idea about the kind of job I want in the future, I think I'll know over time.
martes, 12 de abril de 2016
Getting to know each other...
I'm Genesis Andaur, the elder of two sisters. We live with our parents, a dog and two turtles in Puente Alto.
My mom is from Cabrero, a little town in south of Chile; she came to Santiago with seventeen years old, started to work and study, and then she met my father. After two years they got married and I was born, and my sister later.
We had a great childhood, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful moments with our whole family; grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
When I finished high school, I wasn't sure about a career; I liked Maths so I thought about Engineering, but my PSU's score wasn't enough so I got into Bachillerato, in Universidad de Chile.
I studied a semester, then I realized I like Chemistry and laboratories more tan Maths. Now, I'm studying Pharmacy and I really like it.
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