martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

My blogging experience

Resultado de imagen de escribir blog

Personally, it is hard for me to write about me, sometimes it isn't simple to find my likes and dislikes, however it was a good experience to write this blog because it made me think about things that we usually don't consider, like our favorites books or the microscopic world, and it allowed us know a little about our classmates too. Also, I think that this was an interesting way to learn english using technology and tools like this page where we could write our own blog, this things facilitate the learning.
My writing skills have developed a lot after this blog because when I didn't remember some word or expresion, I had to search them, and doing that made me learn the things I searched,
In the future I would like to include musical tastes maybe, I could write a lot about that and I think my classmates too, because we are listening to music practically all day, in our trips to university or our free time, and there are many different styles so it could be an interesting topic to write about.

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