martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Why did I choose my career?

When I was at school I really liked to read and write, so I thought of becoming a journalist. I love to read yet, but my enthusiasm about write columns and news was gone when I started high school; I chose the Sciences' subjects because I had good marks in Maths, but I developed a liking for the other subjects too, like Physics and Chemistry. I always took part of Science Fairs and I enjoyed it.
After that, when I came to the Preuniversitario, I prepared the Science's PSU, particularly Chemistry. I only was interested about Chemistry, but I never thought of studying a career directly related with it because two reasons; it was difficult for me, and what I really loved was Maths.
Finally, when I got into Bachillerato I had Biology and Chemistry labs, among other things, and I started to enjoy them. I had better marks too, which motivated me to study Pharmacy, my actual fantastic career!
Enter to University has been a nice experience, I have known nice people who I consider friends and I really like the environment.
Actually, I don't have a concrete idea about the kind of job I want in the future, I think I'll know over time.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Getting to know each other...

I'm Genesis Andaur, the elder of two sisters. We live with our parents, a dog and two turtles in Puente Alto.
My mom is from Cabrero, a little town in south of Chile; she came to Santiago with seventeen years old, started to work and study, and then she met my father. After two years they got married and I was born, and my sister later.
We had a great childhood, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful moments with our whole family; grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
When I finished high school, I wasn't sure about a career; I liked Maths so I thought about Engineering, but my PSU's score wasn't enough so I got into Bachillerato, in Universidad de Chile.
I studied a semester, then I realized I like Chemistry and laboratories more tan Maths. Now, I'm studying Pharmacy and I really like it.